In a heartwarming display of love, a Ghanaian teacher named Nathaniel Akomaning Brewu captured the attention of social media users with his act of cooking a meal for his students.
The touching incident unfolded when a video, shared on TikTok by @sireffort, showed him serving up steaming plates of jollof rice and chicken to his excited pupils
According to the teacher, his motivation behind this generous gesture was to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment, particularly for a student who struggles with physical challenges and has difficulty connecting with his peers.
“I decided to assist my students, particularly my physically challenged student because I noticed his relationship with the other students in the class was not encouraging,” He explained.
The video of Brewu’s act of kindness has since gone viral, with many praising the teacher’s dedication and empathy.
His story has undoubtedly touched the hearts of many, leading to a wave of reactions online.
Here are some reactions below:
@Blessedlyrics1 “I always say, we didn’t choose this profession because of the salary but the passion .
@GOVERNOR : “Heaven will be with you always, stay blessed.”
@jessica:wow, cant believe this, well done champ.
@Nana Akua : “I wil send money for u to cook for them one day.”
@Bulawayo : ‘Indeed May God richly bless you and your entire generation for putting happiness in to your students”
Watch the video below:
@sireffort 🥰Need to bring them home to convince the🥰🥰
♬ original sound – Effort