The Edo State Police Command on Saturday responded to a distress call and rescued two individuals, including a minor, from a mob attempting to lynch them. The duo was accused of allegedly stealing a man’s manhood.
This was disclosed in a statement by the Edo State Police Public Relations Officer, SP Moses Yamu, on X (formerly Twitter).
According to eyewitnesses, the alleged victim claimed his manhood had been stolen, sparking a violent reaction from the crowd.
However, sources later revealed that the “victim” admitted to testing his manhood and found it to be functioning properly.
The police intervened, rescuing the suspects and taking them into custody. Following preliminary investigations, the suspects were released to their relatives for medical treatment.
The statement read, “This is an unfortunate situation. #EdoPoliceNG responded to this distress call, as you can see.
“The person alleged to have stolen the manhood and the little boy were rescued to the station amidst the mob trying to lynch them.
“Sources said the ‘victim’ was said to have gone to test his manhood and found that it is ‘working’.”
The Edo State Police Command added that an investigation is underway to trace the alleged victim and determine the circumstances surrounding the incident.
“Efforts to trace the alleged victim are in progress, while the ‘suspects’ have been released to their relations for treatment. Let’s say no to jungle justice over unfounded stories, please.”
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